My children were in the 9th and 10th grade in a small Christian school in Alabama. In 2020. The high school had about 110 children and elementary was a little over 200. Our director believed in herd immunity. He installed ion air filters throughout the ventilation system. The same one the Mayo Clinic uses. No mask and no vaccination mandates. If you were diagnosed with covid you quarantined at home for 10 days. We sanitized desks in between classes and practiced good hygiene. We did close early on for one week, but after that, school was open. We have a lot of elderly teachers. Some with diabetes, heart conditions, respiratory issues. Not one teacher died. Not one student ended up in the hospital. We had a much lower percentage of covid cases than the public schools in our area, and I venture to say, in the whole country. Because we had a director who didn't allow fear to rule. Oh, and many families practiced the Frontline Covid Critical Care protocols. We recovered quickly and had no reports of long covid. So, I believe early treatment with ivermectin and immune building supplements saved the day!

Signed - a mom with Central Christian School, Robertsdale, AL. Yes I said, Alabama- you know, the deep south full of ignorant, uneducated, redneck deplorables who will never trust our government, Healthcare beurocacy, or pharmaceutical companies again.

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Thank you so much, Kelley, for compiling these, most of which I had not seen before. I remember reading the Osterholm and Hamblin pieces in early 2020, and then watching the baffling about-face afterwards. I have always wondered what exactly happened that caused this radical change of mind. I still don't know for sure. I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, so I'm inclined to ascribe the ensuing insanity to an unfortunate confluence of misguided experts in positions of power, blind faith in said experts on the part of politicians and the media, corporate leaders who saw business opportunities in this experiment, and mass formation psychosis in the face of a collective reminder of everyone's mortality, which we as a society had come accustomed to ignoring. The fact that the average person appears to be extremely poor at critical data analysis and risk assessment didn't help either.

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"Dissent is the very essence of science. I will foster a culture where NIH leadership will actively

encourage different perspectives and create an environment where scientists – including early

career scientists – can express disagreement respectfully."

That's quoting from Bhattacharya's 2-page opening statement: https://www.help.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/9bbb3a01-a465-093a-43a4-459d26cc8d0f/Bhattacharya%20Opening%20Statement.pdf

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Thanks for sharing this, Kelley! And especially for referencing Jennifer Nuzzo, who was the first scientist I read in the NY Times telling us that we didn't need to close schools. She also published a July piece https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/01/opinion/coronavirus-schools.html (though I don't agree that we should have closed bars either).

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Those aholes were either bought out or threatened in some way: career, money, family, life.

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Almost all of these assholes you mention other than Jay changed their tune. They obviously made a deal with the devil at some point. They should all be investigated and find out how they got paid.

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I'm not in the medical field, but do know how to read epidemiology reports. It was clear by May 1 that COVID was primarily a worry for the elderly, obese, and those with chronic respiratory conditions. A six week lockdown would have been bad enough for the economy and kid's mental health, but a lot of ugly people with power saw it as a way to amass even more control. Their personal agendas led to societal damage from which we have not recovered. People like Saudi and Collins need to be hauled before the public and be made to confess their crimes against humanity.

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Correction: people like *Fauci*

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Have any of them ever been seriously questioned as to why they changed their stances so radically in such a short time - what evidence changed their minds? Not just a softball to give a pat answer to, but really questioned? Especially when the reported IFR in early March was 3.4%, around the time many of these articles came out, but everything we subsequently learned was that it was less deadly, not more.

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Did I miss something in your article? Most of the comments seem to be anti-vaccine while the article seemed to discuss closing schools and public facilities. Do you feel that the vaccine was dangerous and/or useless? I am over 70 with a heart condition and lymphoma which is in remission. I got vaccinated (Pfizer) as soon as possible and have kept up with being vaccinated every 6 months or so. I had a very mild case of covid last fall. As far as I am concerned the vaccine worked as advertised.

I am also curious if any country followed any recommendations of the Great Barrington Declaration. It seems most countries reacted similarly to the U.S. which would indicate that our public health officials were not alone in changing their minds.

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I'm not sure what led to all the vaccine related comments. This post was decidedly not about the vaccine. That being said, I do think the CDC's hard vaccine push for the young and healthy was unwise, and the twice yearly boosters for 65+ is unnecessary.

As far as what other countries did, lots of countries followed different paths. Sweden's response was more similar to the GBD than most, and they didn't really waver from their more traditional views of public health. Meanwhile, blue cities and states in the US had unusually harsh restrictions that lasted longer than many other countries in many cases - in particular, keeping schools closed much longer than European countries did. But I do not think this problem of Covid overreaction and throwing out previous public health tenets like evaluating benefits/harms was unique to the US though, no.

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My best friend died of massive blood clots in both lungs, 6 weeks after a Covid booster. She couldn't breathe, went to the doctor on Friday and he misdiagnosed her with stress induced asthma! No chest exray. Sunday morning she called her son and whispered, 'help me, I'm dying.' She coded in the ambulance and was rushed to surgery. She died in surgery. I know the covid booster killed her, but her son's would not pursue the possibility. Death by covid jab is real. And we are just now seeing the tip of the iceberg.

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Can you explain something? My friend who was 70 worked in the epidemiologist field. She did eye testing. I don't know what else the job entailed. But, she just died of Alzheimer's. She had it for a couple years. Her Mother passed from it in her 80's. Her two sisters and brother doesn't have it. She had to be put in assisted living. Of course, during that time she took the JAB. Maybe, she was so bad by then that she didn't know any better NOT to take the JAB. I asked her daughters, and they told me she took the COVID JAB. If she was of sound mind during COVID, why would someone in her field not know that it wasn't a good idea. I have read where taking the JAB can accelerate an illness.

Thank YOU for a Reply.

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For seniors, the risk/benefit of a new vaccine was very different than for young people. Seniors were at high-risk from Covid, particularly those in communal living environments.

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Long story. My Brother, age 65, passed on 9/5/23. We believe he died of myocarditis. His son and nasty wife wouldn't let him see his grandson, if he didn't take the JAB. We told him not to. Well, after that his co-workers said he was out of breath and couldn't lift boxes. I know he told me that he couldn't get rid of the brain fog. He had health issues, but nothing serious. He even told the woman that he worked with that he

believed it was caused by the JAB. He called off work and his son said he took an

afternoon nap (you know that died suddenly thing) and couldn't revive him and

neither could the paramedics. I have read many stories similar to mine. Fraudchi,

Collins, Birx, and the rest are still free. When will justice ever be done.

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Unfortunately, that's what I figured with everything we researched. It's unbelievable that her two grown daughters told me their mother took the COVID JAB. But, didn't want to talk about that maybe the JAB could've quickened her death. Her two daughters are very well educated, too.

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